As promised, The Asbury Park Press Battle of the Pet Photographers has begun! I need your help! I, like each of the other staff photographers, have two entries in the contest. Here's how it works: Over 2400 pet owners sent in photos of their beloved pets. Each photographer chose two to go out and make "professional" photographs of. Then, the public votes on which pet is their favorite. This is where you come in. For whatever reason, this is not an anonymous contest. Because of that, I can campaign for votes for my two pets. The two dogs that I photographed are named "Brodi," and "Brooklyn."
This is Brodi:

And this is Brooklyn:

They're both extremely friendly, and they need your help to take home the grand (and only) prize. That's right, there's just one winner, and 23 losers! Help us not be losers! :)
Go here: and cast your vote for either Brodi or Brooklyn! There are bragging rights (and cash!) at stake here!!
One more time, it's: We appreciate your support!